Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Plastic World.

Hey everyone,

So basically all this time, I’ve always been blogging about some or the other particular topic, but this time it’s everything together. Like when I say everything together I basically mean that there were so many things I wanted to vent my emotions on and I did not really want to create different blogs on each topic, so yeah this. And this blog would be the most informal piece of work you must have ever read because basically when you got things already irritating you and on top of that there is everything else piling up and you have no one to talk to about them; you just end up being really disorganized.


PART 1: There’s this thing that gets on my nerves when it comes to people, I’ve commonly noticed it in the people around my surroundings but whatever. So here’s the situation: She/he is your best friend and vice versa. Now let me get this straight, if you have to think thrice before confiding to this best friend of yours, do you really think she/he is your best friend? (Again, I am just stating my opinion on the above, other people might have different opinions on the same.) A best friend according to me would basically be your other half. Someone you can be yourself with (Though I feel you should really be yourself with everyone, because eventually you’re going to get tired of being this other person and get back to your normal self.) So as I was saying, a best friend is one who you can share anything with, I do not mean EVERYTHING, I mean ANYTHING. But, if you have to re-think about telling this best friend of yours that particular thing that you cannot possibly tell other people, I do not really think she’s your best friend. Just because she hangs out with you all the time, you sleepover at each other’s places all the time or your parents are close, doesn’t mean you guys are best friend seriously.

PART 2: You know what really pisses me off? People running behind being the “POPULAR” one in the surroundings and everyone is so caught up with their own drama and about who looks prettier than who. It’s like war. I mean, I know of people who go like, “Omg she’s wearing such a short dress, more people are going to fall for her.” Like seriously? THAT is your mentality? And there is a place and time to wear these revealing clothes by the way. NOT EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE, I mean come on I’m not going against you, you can wear whatever you want whenever you want but have the right sense of mind to know the appropriate time and place. And ‘the more people are going to fall for her’ part, I’m going to lay it down straight, to the girls, HE IS NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEING, HE IS WITH YOU, TO USE YOU. (If you still don’t understand that, I’m sorry, I can’t make it any more obvious than this and to be honest everyone, be it a boy or a girl is beautiful within them, in their own way, it’s only time and your environment that has changed you to what you were to what you are now.) I know, I have mentioned this in some of blogs, it’s just annoying. (I do not know when I jumped to some other topic. Back to what I was saying.) The most important thing, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GET POPULAR: Get popular for good reasons, the right ones. Not the Bad ones, why spoil your image in every third person’s eye?

PART 3:  You know how it feels to be surrounded in an environment with arrogant, mean people? (I should really stop with the “you knows”.) Truth: It is so suffocating to stand in a place filled with back biters. Every second step, someone is back biting about the other. Can you not gain the courage to stay it on the face? And I can bet on it, you wouldn’t even care about how she/he feels after you say all the mean things which you were saying behind her back anyway. Next, Judging, We always end up judging people knowingly or unknowingly with or without the intention of hurting them but sometimes it’s so extreme that it really tends to hurt people’s sentiments. This is what happens: You are good at something, you show your talent to the world. Now people who don’t have the guts to do the same thing this other person is doing sit and judge (When I refer to ‘guts to do the same thing’ I mean something like public speaking or face the audience with something you’re really good at etc.) At least have the humanity in you to not judge the person?

I think I’ve spoken way to much today, thanks for reading (that is if you reached here.) Do leave in your comments.


  1. Good one Arohi!!! I myself feel like this sometimes!!! (Y)

  2. Great stuff you unleash in here. Part Two was kinda harsh on the rest of the boys, don't you think. "You're so mee-an." I bet you know who this is. ;)
    Great work anyways.

  3. Hey 3z92bfbva1!
    Thanks :D
    I'm glad I you could relate with it :D

    Deaaan! Thanks so much :D
    Hahaha, I did not mean for it to be harsh and I do know who that is -.-
    Thaanks again :D
